Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hello world!

Just to let everyone know, Keltie does have complete access to the Blog and could contribute, but often chooses to edit instead. With that being said, I have finally broken-down and will attempt to update everyone about what has happened over the last couple of weeks.

First, I would like to say hello to several faithful followers, first to my mother-in-law, Peggy, you have been putting pressure on the wrong Peay.  Second, Emmy, I hope you are getting a laugh out of this and I truly am wondering why I was not properly warned about your roommate who shares this house with me.  Third, Eileen, I apologize for not filling you in on more of our life--Eric had mentioned how addicted you are to following Blogs and I am sure you have gone through some withdrawal.  I know how exciting our life is here in the UK  must seem (ha-ha!).

So, since the last time I have updated the site, a lot has happened.  After receiving our house-hold belongings, Franky and Meridith (Keltie's sister and brother-in-law) came and visited.  They showed up the next day while our house was still in boxes.  The first night was a little long, but we managed to have an incredible dinner at our favorite Pub - The Red Lion.  The food and service was excellent.  It is a fantastic spot--the owners are an American (Brittany) and her Brit husband (Guy) who both used to be chefs at Per Se in NYC.  The next afternoon we all flew to Barcelona, Spain.  We flew on RyanAir:  200 pounds for tickets for all four of us. But, it was like being on a Greyhound Bus.  Barcelona was two nights, three days, and all of the food we could eat.  Starting to understand the theme of our trip?  We did at least "see" the Gaudi Cathedral and cruised through the Picasso Museum.  But admittedly, our real ambition was to eat the best Catalan cuisine we could and to enjoy non-English weather for a weekend.

After the trip to Spain, we spent a couple of days around Larkhill.  Franky and I went to a Premiership Football game.  (That is Major League Soccer for all you American Folks back home).  We had incredible front row seats and watched Aston Villa beat Portsmouth at Portsmouth.  Depressing.  Meridith and Keltie stayed home, ate good cheese and bread and watched the "Sex and the City" movie.

So, the next day as I worked my knuckles to the bone, while the "fun-bunch" left me for the exciting city (London).  After they returned, we had a night left, and then the family flew back home.  With vacation over, life has slowly returned to whatever normal life is here for us.

Tomorrow, you get the snow storm.....

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